2020 – 2023 Shani Transit for Capricorn Sign:
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2021 Shani Transit for Capricorn Sign |
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Transit of all 9 Planets |
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Shani's Transit into Makara Rasi (2020 - 2023) |
2. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would remain comfortable on their financial matters.
3. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would see enlargement of their family (or) enjoy additional members into the family.
4. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would be able to improve their financial savings.
5. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would exhibit good concentration skills (or) understand problems quickly.
6. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would communicate well.
7. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would increase their diet.
8. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would possess good memory level and take quicker decisions.
9. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would remain alert to their surroundings.
10. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would sleep less (or) remain alert, even while they are fast asleep.
11. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would develop strong personality (or) develop adamant attitudes.
12. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would remain self-seeking (or) look inwards.
13. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would mix-up the rational thinking with irrational/impossible ideas & beliefs.
14. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would focus more on their career & on their partnerships.
15. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) native’s life partner would maintain stronger affinity with their Partner; and remain cooperative & adjustive with their partner too.
16. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) native’s children would do their work well (or) finish their tasks on time. Their children would enjoy career stability. The children would maintain stronger ties with their father & paternal relatives.
The below mentioned impacts could be expected in the life of the Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives, if the Shani gets weak strength in the Ashtakavargha.
1. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would face dilution of their financial savings.
2. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would face weak ties with their family members (or) remain isolated from their family (or) face setback on family issues.
3. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would remain confused in taking quicker decisions.
4. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would remain less alert (or) remain in sub-conscious state (or) face reduce level of consciousness due to various reasons.
5. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives may remain as an introvert (or) avoid social gatherings.
6. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would remain depressed; and less communicative & less interactive.
7. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives may take more time to understand.
8. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would have less intake of food.
9. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives may develop health issues around their head (or) face (or) both.
10. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) native’s partner maintain low key relationship with their Partner (or) stay away from their partner (or) face setback on partnership. Their Partners would choose to disobey their Partners (The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives). The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) native’s partners could face health issues around their urinals & bowels; and on lower part of their back & stomach.
Shani’s Star Path into Dhanistha (Avittam) from 18.02.2022 to 18.01.2023: The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would experience both the comfort and the difficulties either in a separate manner (or) would experience it jointly on various issues in their life. The comfort would remain dominant during the Star Lord Mars’s transit into favourable houses.
2. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives may show meekness in their attitudes, when they are supposed to react tough. They would display rough & tough attitudes, when they are supposed to handle the issue in a smoother manner.
3. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives would speak too much, when there is need for little amount of talk. They would speak inadequately, when they are supposed to explain in detail.
4. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives may experience unexpected twist on their family issues.
5. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) natives may experience changes in their financial matters.
2. The Shani transit results may provide the opposite results (or) mixed results, depending upon the Shani’s Ashtakavargha strength,.
3. The results given under the Shani transit could differ, whenever the Shani is in conjunction with any Planets (or) under aspection by any Planets (or) if the Shani is combusted/debilitated/retrograde.
4. Everyone should analyze their Guru and Shani transit results as per their Sun Sign too.
5. The results under the Guru Transit (Moon Sign & Sun Sign) + Shani Transit (Moon Sign + Guru Sign) + Guru/Shani Ashtakavargha strength + results under the Mahadasa + Antardasa + Pratyantardasa will clearly show the quality of life & the success rate under any given time.
6. To filter the results even more accurate, the Transit impacts of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury & Venus must be read alongside the above-mentioned results.
7. To get even more accurate results, the “Gochar” results (real time planetary position & impacts) should be taken into account.
8. The results calculated using the methods mentioned under points 5, 6 & 7 will provide the answer for your life.
2. You can calculate the Shani's Ashtakavargha strength by yourself: Shani Ashtakavarga strength: How to calculate Shani Ashtakavarga strength?
3. For those going under Shani Mahadasa/Shani Antardasa/Shani Sade Sati period on an concurrent manner, see the results under the WORST EFFECTS OF SHANI
For monthly prediction on Career & Finances for each Rasi, please visit those links given below
ARIES - MESHA RASI Taurus - Rishaba Rasi Palan Gemini - Mithuna Rasi Cancer - Kataka Rasi Leo - Simha Rasi Virgo - Kanni Rasi Libra - Thula Rasi Scorpio - Viruchika Rasi Sagittarius - Dhanusu Rasi Capricorn - Makara Rasi Aquarius - Kumbha Rasi Pisces - Meena Rasi
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