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2016 Jupiter Transit into Kanni Rasi for Capricorn sign:

The Guru would transit into Kanni Rasi (Virgo sign) for the next one year (approximately). The Kanni Rasi is the 9th house for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives. The 9th house is considered as the most benefic house for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives. Thus by transiting into Kanni Rasi (Virgo sign) for the next one year, the Guru is to be positioned in a comfortable place during its transit into Kanni Rasi (Virgo sign) for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives.

The Guru would transit into Virgo Sign (Kanya Rashi) nearly for one year from 11.08.2016 to 12.09.2017. The Guru becomes retrograde in its movement from 06.02.2017 to 09.06.2017. The Guru would get eclipsed from 15.09.2016 to 12.10.2016. The above dates are calculated on the basis of “Thirukanitha Panchangam”.  As per the traditional “Vakkiya Panchangam” the Guru would transit into Virgo Sign from 02.08.2016.

The Guru owns the 3rd and the 12th house for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives. Both the 3rd and the 12th house are considered as malefic houses for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives. Thus by owning both these malefic houses, the Guru becomes the malefic planet for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives. Thus the malefic Guru will be positioned in a benefic house for the next one year. This would create both the positive and also the negative results for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives, during the Guru's transit into Kanni Rasi (Virgo sign) for the next one year.

The positive results for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) native is that they would enjoy the qualities of the 3rd and the 12th house for the next one year. But the presence of benefic Guru in the 9th house (Kanya Rasi) is likely to damage the 9th house qualities in a moderate manner. But in general, the current Guru transit into Kanya Rasi (Virgo sign) would bring much needed relief and comfort to the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives. Let us see the probable results for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives during the Guru's transit into Kanya Rasi (Virgo sign) for the next one year.

Effects of having Guru in the 9th house for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives

1. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would find it difficult to control their expenses; but most of the expenses would done for constructive and productive purposes @ the expenses are likely to bring happiness.

2. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would possess enough money to meet their expenditure (or) budgetaary requirements, if the Guru remains stronger in the Ashtakavarga.

3. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would maintain cordial ties with their friends. *The strength of the ties would remain equal to the Guru's Ashtakavarga strength.

4. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would possess positive and constructive confidences within their inner mind.

5. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would enjoy good status and reputation levels.

6. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would maintain cordial ties with their brothers/sisters (including cousins & in-laws). *The strength of the ties would remain equal to the Guru's Ashtakavarga strength.

7. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would remain comfortable about their sexual life. *The level of involvement in sexual activities and the sexual fitness would largely be decided by the Guru's Ashtakavarga strength.

8.The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would remain comfortable with their sleep; and would develop happier dreams.

9. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would spend their time and money on family, spiritual and social issues.

10. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would spend their money and time on issues that are linked to overseas.

5th View of Guru on the Rasi (or) the 1st house (Capricorn) for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives: The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would develop illogical ideas on logical matters; and develop logical ideas on illogical matters. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would remain lazy (or) lethargic; and remain more self centric.

7th View of Guru on the 3rd house (Pisces) for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives: The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would develop more sexual interests; and regressive mindset. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would spend more time and money in an emotional manner; and to upkeep their status and the reputations.

9th View of Guru on the 5th house (Taurus) for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives: The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would spend more time and money on upgrading their skill and knowledge; and also on finding new Job (or) busimess opportunities.

Effects of Guru traversing through Uthara (Uthiram) Nakshatra from 11.08.2016 to 28.09.2016: The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would develop mortal fear within their inner mind. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would behave in an irrational manner. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would remain uncomfortable with their work subordinates.  

 Effects of Guru traversing through Hastham Nakshatra from 28.09.2016 to 04.12.2016; and from 15.04.2017 to 04.08.2017: The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would remain restless and could take self destructive ideas (or) believe in controversial ideas.

 Effects of Guru traversing through Chittirai Nakshatra from 04.12.2016 to 15.04.2017; and from 04.08.2017 to 12.09.2017 : The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would create assets (or) lose assets, which would either boost their status (or) impact their status levels. The Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) natives would face expenses equalling their income level to upgrade their status and the lifestyle.

We shall be posting results for the Guru Eclipse Period and Guru Retrograde Period in the near future in this blog. Kindly follow the blog to have updated results. 

For month-wise results on the Guru Transit period, please visit my blog Capricorn Sign - Makara Rasi

How to read the Guru Peyarchi (Guru transit) results? 

1. You must understand that everyone's Mahadasa will have more impact in their life @ if a person goes through an excellent Mahadasa period, his/her life would remain very comfortable, despite the unfavorable results mentioned under the Guru and/or Shani transits. The results derived from the Mahadasa period will have 50% impact on your life either in the positive or in the negative direction.

2. The next important factor is everyone's Antardasa period; it will have an impact on the natives life next only to the Mahadasa results @ the Mahadasa period will have 50% impact in our life and the Antardasa period will have an 30% impact on our life.

3. The Pratyantaradasa results are also important, if the Pratynataradasa period will last for more than 2 months. In that case, we must take into account of the results derived from Pratyantaradasa period.

4. Then you must also take it into account of the results under the transits of all 7 planets (Sun, Moon , Mars, Mercury, Guru, Venus and Shani). Here the Shani transits a single zodiac sign for 2 1/2 years, Guru (1 year), Sun, Mercury and Venus (1 month), Mars (1 1/2 months) and Moon (2 1/4 days). Hence the transit results of Shani and Guru will have an more impact in our life, because of their longer durations. But the transit results of Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon are also very vital in calculating the nature of lifestyle that we can expect for the future. Thus the transit results of all the 7 planets will also have an 20% impact on our life on collective basis.

5. Due to the longer duration of Shani transits for 2 1/2 years, it will have an impact of 10% in our life either in the positive direction or in the negative directions.

6. Similar manner, the transit results of Guru will also bring 5% impact in our life either in the positive or in the negative directions.

7. The remaining 5 planets @ Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus will have an impact of 5% impact on our life on collective basis.

8. You must understand that the Guru transit results or Shani transit results or all other planet's transit results must be read based both on your Moon sign and also on your Sun sign.

* The Moon Sign is the Zodiac sign that houses the Moon during your birth in your natal chart. 
* The Sun Sign is the Zodiac sign that houses the Sun during your birth in your natal chart. 

For example: If your Moon sign is Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) and your Sun sign is Thula Rasi (Libra sign), then you must look at the transit results both under the Makara Rasi and also under the Thula Rasi. You would defienetly experience the impact of the results that are mentioned both under the Makara Rasi and the Thula Rasi.

Guru Pariharam:

For details on Pariharam for Guru, please visit Guru Pariharam (Remedial Measures). There are number of simple methods are advised. You can choose anyone or combination of any methods (that are available). But the period of Pariharam must be longer than 9 weeks and must be done in a consistent manner to enjoy better results. 

Guru Ashtakavarga strength: How to calculate Guru Ashtakavarga strength?

The Financial Forecast Results for Makara Rasi (Capricorn Sign) would be posted regularly. For results on all other Planets transit results for the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign), please visit my blog Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign)


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